First Thoughts.
GuestI think it has a lot of potential.. It looks good. But right away, as many cs players would have, I noticed a lot of "fundamental cs things" totally wrong.
It's probably stupid of me to care, and I bet you'll all just say "go play real cs" but this game is in it's infancy I guess, so I assume suggestions are still welcome!
First of all.. you don't run the fastest with the scout.

I think it would be ideal if the game incorperated the option to choose keys for weapon buying quickbinds, like some of the addons you can find for cs. (and also straight up quickbinds to knife, pistols, primary guns, and nades!)
It doesn't recognise the MOUSE4 and MOUSE5 buttons.

The sound cut's out after a while, but I might be able to figure out how to fix that if I look around or something.
Oh and, one really awful problem is that the options seems to do an akward job of recognising the proper keys when you're chosing your config. Like if I pressed BACKSPACE, it doesn't recognise this key at all. And if I press "", it thinks I'm pressing "#" ...... ????
I think if this game played through steam it would really kick off.. (doubt you'll wanna do that)
To sum up what I'm thinking here.. I think this game would be awesome if it mimiced CS down to a T, but GTA style.

I will keep playing, and try to find ways for it to best suit my horribly ingrained cs standards.

keep up the good work, and thanks for reading this