press "E" near trigger use I looked other comments but I didnt understand.
I want to make this:
Press"e" then
equip id deagle(weapon id = 3)
Sorry for bad english

Thanks for helps.

addhook("use","gunZ") function gunZ() if trigger == usetrigger1 then parse(spawnitem 1 11 88) end end
addhook("say","lol") function lol(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!equip") then 		parse("equip "" 1") 		parse("spawnitem 1 11 88") 	end end
function contains(table, element) for _, value in pairs(table) do if value == element then return true end end return false end addhook("usebutton","megabutton") function megabutton(id,x,y) 	if (x==BUTTONTILEX and y==BUTTONTILEY) then 		for i=1,6 do 			if (contains(playerweapons(id),i)) then 				parse("strip "" "..i) 				parse("spawnitem "..i.." "..player(id,"tilex").." "..player(id,"tiley")) 				parse("equip "" 4") 			end 		end 	end end