If a player joins the server with the usgn #12345 (previously listed in lua), then that player can be healed if being hit by a wrench! (+3 hp per hit).
That was all

citizen={43653} -- and the people who come before please write it here. addhook("join","lolz") function lolz(id) 	for _,usgn in ipairs (citizen) do 		if player(id,'usgn') == usgn then 			msg (player(id,"name").." is back!@C") 		end 	end end addhook("hit","lol") function lol(id,source,weapon,hpdmg) 	if(weapon==74) then 		parse("sethealth "..id.." "..player(id,"health")+3) 	end end addhook("minute","lolc") function lolc(id) 	for _,usgn in ipairs (citizen) do 		if player(id,'usgn') == usgn then 			msg (player(id,"name").." Was here before!!@C") --put the people who come before! 		end 	end end
Heal_Victims = {12345} function table.find(array,value) 	for k, v in pairs(array) do 		if v == value then 			return k 		end 	end 	return false end addhook("hit","onHit") function onHit(id,source,wpn,hpdmg,apdmg) 	if wpn == 74 then 		if table.find(Heal_Victims,player(id,"usgn")) then 			parse("sethealth "..id.." "..player(id,"health")+3) 		end 	end end