basically this is the script in my mind.
"""basically there are 2 teams , you can select from ( one is CT , one is TT , with different names , USMC and Mercenars ) , you can select from 7 classes from evry team , so 14 classes , you can apply to Commander , or Alfa , Beta and Charlie team , you can apply to marksman ( at 40 kills with the awp ) and to apply commander of ABC ( alfa , beta , charlie ) when you've done a streak , streaks are simple , at 4 kills you get Supply Box , with ammo and bandage , 5 kills gives you a Strike , you get a map on screen and select a point ( if there's posible ) where to put the strike , in a 3-4 seconds there will be a sound like "avion's sound" and a boom , folowed by explosion ...that's basicly the "verry first script" I have in mind. """"
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xFire : shaaabaaazz