Each map will be a level lower, there will also be a "hell" level, where lava will be a strong factor, to enter into the "hell" level you must have Obsidian shoes in your inventory, or else you will die.
Each map that takes you lower will allow more materials, however there will also be more dangers with each lower level. The top level will mainly be limited to iron ore, and occasional silver ore. The 2nd level will increase the occurrence of iron ore, and make silver ore more findable, you'll also find gold ore here and there.
3rd level will increase the likely hood of finding silver ore, and gold ore, diamonds will be rare here, but obtainable.
4th level will make iron ore, silver ore, gold ore, quite easy to find, diamonds will be easier to find at this level, but it will be hard to find them. You will also be able to find obsidian, under water, it will take a while to mine, and you'll have to time it carefully between breathes, but it is necessary to make shoes to get to the 5th level.
5th level will not have iron ore, silver ore, gold ore, or diamonds... It will have lots of lava, dangerous ground, a mob that will fire at you without having to be close. It will be the most dangerous ground that you could ever walk upon, shadowy dangers, and explosive caverns everywhere. However, it is also the only place you'll be able to find the rumored Tialight ore, and the monsters inside these many caverns drop goodies, stuff that makes it well worth killing them, the other dangers that lurk here, also drop good stuff. However above all, is the Tialight ore in value.
This release is going to be segmented, into several segments, as 1 whole release is just too much for one big bang at one time. The first release will contain the first level of the mine, the 2nd release will contain the 2nd level of the mine, the 3rd, the 3rd level. The 4th, the 4th level, and the 5th, the last level. Each level will be accessible by the one before it.
You will have to build a mine on the surface, that mine will take you to the first level, in the first level, you'll find a building spot where you can build a mine to the 2nd level, same goes for the other 3 levels.
Each level will be more expensive, to get to the first level, you will have to spend around 50 logs and 400 stones, the 2nd level will require piles of logs, and iron, possibly some sliver. The last level, will require 25 diamonds, 500 stone supports, and some other stuff.
Tools will wear out with time. Stone tools, will wear out with a random of 1 in 50 hits, iron will wear out with 1 in 200 hits, silver will wear out with 1 in 500 hits, gold will wear out with 1 in 20 hits, but do massive damage even more then diamond, diamond will wear out in 1 in 1000 hits, tialight will never wear out, and is stronger then even gold.
There will be several monsters, not just 1. There will also be dungeons, which will spawn monsters every couple minutes, but will also hold massive treasures, such as tialight, or massive quantities of iron, gold, diamonds, or even more valuable items.
It IS possible, that these underground maps will be randomly generated! I still haven't looked into the full extent of scripting that would be required, but it is possible.
There will be a skill system, in which you will earn the ability to harvest new ores, or use new tools, this skill system will go up, every time you use a tool, or harvest an ore.
Here is some artwork on the different ore types... This is also going to be a high quality art mine, which means the graphics are going to be better in the mines then anywhere else.
Normal Rock

Can be mined with any pickaxe, has low health depending on the size of the chunk, is very common on all levels, drops rocks and pebbles.
Iron Ore

Can be mined with any pickaxe, has more health then rock, but not by much, can be found in various size chunks, drops iron ore, is found on all levels, more common toward level 4. Can be used to make iron tools once smelted.
Silver Ore

Can be mined with an iron pickaxe and above, has more health then iron, can be found in various size chunks, drops silver ore, is found on all levels, more common toward level 4. Can be used to make silver tools once smelted.
Gold Ore

Can be mined with iron pickaxe and above, has more health then rock, but less the iron, can be found in small chunks, drops gold ore, is found on levels 2 and below, can be used to make gold tools once smelted.
Diamond Ore

Can be mined with a gold pickaxe, and above, has more health then almost any other block, except tialight or obsidian. Is found on levels 3 and 4, is only found in small chunks, drops diamond ore, can be used to make diamond tools once smelted.
Lava Rock

Can be mined with a diamond pickaxe and above, more health then normal rock, is found on level 5, is found everywhere in all kinds of chunks, drops lava rocks, can be used to make fireplaces that don't burn out for several days. (Yes fireplaces don't have inf fuel anymore.


Can be mined with a diamond pickaxe and above, more health then anything, including obsidian, is extremely hard to mine due to the frequency of lava, and monsters that take time away from you. Can only be found on level 5, is found in small chunks, usually only 1 tialight chunk at a time, drops tialight ore, which can be smelted in lava rock furnaces with a very long wait period, can be used to make tools that never break, and are stronger then gold.

Can be mined with a diamond pickaxe and above, more health then anything except tialight, is found on level 4 and 5, is needed for obsidian shoes to access level 5, can be found in large sections, but rare, has to be underwater as well. I'm searching for more uses for this material.
Mob Spawners and Dungeons.
Found on levels 3 4 and 5, these dungeons make a new kind of rare come true, they are practically a miracle to find, however when found a dungeon trap can be built ontop of them, which will generate inf goods of that monster drop. They also host several storages which have to say the least, a massive amount of goodies, which make finding one anyone's Christmas.
There will be 3 different music files, together with sounds for all the new monsters. There will be a music file with sounds of occasional dripping water, and echos for levels 1 2 and 3. There will be another music file for level 4, which will consist of music, perfect for making you have a heart attack when a monster appears infront of you ready to eat your heart. There will be another music file for level 5, which will be spooky, lots of wails, growls, echos, and to say the least, enough to creep out your children should you have any, so only visit this level when the kiddies are not around.

I'm hoping for 5 different units, all monsters, possibly a creeper one, I just love the minecraft "fffssssss" that just makes you wish you had a will written.
I'm hoping for the first level release to happen sometime this month. I am working hard on it, lots of scripting problems, lots of artwork to still do, and to say the least, it is a big update for just 1 level.
I will be releasing resources, and scripts, as they are made, as proof of progress...