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There are items for every single meat on every single day that it has been cooked, etc etc. You'll have to look in items_mod.inf and grab all the meat info from there, possibly in items_edible, and other locations.
If you want to salt your meat to keep it from going bad, your also going to have to get the salted meat, and the big cauldron as well.
considering that your trying to make it somewhat realistic with the rotting meat and such, i thought maybe have some sort of system where predators are attracted to rotting or rotted meat.
and also useing fire to scare of animals, or something like that
If I was continuing this mod, I'd probably implement them.
Torch burning out.
Predators or lions or any animal in this case can sometimes awake you in your sleep.
Predators are atracted to dead bodies.

I make torches to light my way across the island, and for orientation. If they burn out constantly, then they become useless to me.
As for predators being attracted to dead bodies and occasionally waking you up. Both those are technically possible. But the waking you up one is going to be hard to code unless in my old age I forgot something. As for being attracted to dead bodies, I have thought about that, figured maybe if I continue I'd post it in the update which allowed you to bury dead bodies.
Besides, if you remember right, I was disgusted at myself for making a deadline for my mod, then not finishing it by the deadline. So, I might be working on it, I'm just not saying what I'm working on, and when it will be done, and if I'm working on it.
Don't expect a new release till you see the title change and my post here.

I have made a small update, not very big. But I need a mass debug session. So all of you who are willing to help me debug this. Please help me do so.
New Feature:
Raptors now stalk you!
On a certain random chance, every 30 secs, a raptor with a 1 out of 10 chance will turn into a nearly invisible raptor, which you can see, but is almost invisible, and completely silent. On change day, they change back into normal raptors. These nearly invisible raptors literally stalk you, they are programmed to home in on you just like a carrier monkey. So technically this should bring raptors in from the opposite side of a huge island, in a stealthy like, deadly approach.
If you see one, hit it with a spear or etc to make it change back into a normal raptor, they have 1 hp, and on death they revert back to a normal raptor, also on attack they revert to a normal raptor, but get a double hit if they actually get to you first.
I have put a message in recording how many raptors actually change, and when they change.
I need to know
#1 How many raptors change
#2 What size of island were you on
#3 How many raptors actually got to you. (trees rocks etc could get in the way of a raptor following a straight arrow to you)
This is a one file download,
Take the units.inf, go to your Lion_Hearted's mod folder
/mods/stranded2/sys and replace the old one.
I want this to be done on a normal map, I don't really care if you hack items, but I do care if you hack by putting piles of raptors on. I need a normal playing environment for the raptor. I would prefer you to go around getting items and materials just like normal, cause that would also tell me how hard it is for the player to be aware of a raptor while doing every day chores.
I will be watching this thread for replies. The sooner this get's done, the sooner I'll release it as an actual update.
edited 2×, last 08.04.12 07:47:21 pm
i think you did a really good job with the stalker raptors. they scare the absolut crap out of me.
i dont see them till the very last second.
on the small map they usually are created either 1 2 or 3 at a time.
on the medium they are usually around 3 but they go up to about 6
and the one time i attempted a large may i actually couldnt count how many spawned at a time. maybe like 10.
they actually seem to move around obstacles quite easily because they have a goal. the deer get caught on things more than the stalkers.
things i could suggest.
1. is there some way to check how many stalker raptors there are before spawning them? so that not to many are built up.
2. i think the timer should be built up somewhat, so there is more time for the player between the iminent waves.
3. and lastly, they are practically invisible. is there something else you could that would help the visiblity but keep it subtle. like if they created footsteps that disapear fairly quickly.
oh and because of the addition of these stalkers there is quite an increase in corpses, not sure if that could affect proformance on not.
ill try it out on hard tommorrow

I was about ready to give up cause honestly I don't have time to debug everything I program. And... it's too easy for the programmer to debug anyways... I know exactly what to expect, I know exactly how everything is supposed to happen. Which means it's not very fun for me, and... not very effective. Cause what's cakewalk for me would probably be impossible for you.

I will most likely make several factors in limiting the raptor. The number of corpses, the difficulty level, the "survival" skill of the player, as in, how many days has he survived. I figure at the beginning, you'll be lucky to have 1 stalker visiting you per game day. However, if you leave tons of corpses around for everyone to see, then you'll have 20 stalkers visiting you in the morning when they start to decay.
As for making them more visible, they're supposed to scare the absolute crap outta you!

The timer for the raptors to spawn might be tweaked a bit. However since it's going to be connected to multiple various things that are limiting raptor growth, such as corpses, days on the island, etc etc.
Btw, for limiting the amount of them to spawn, I have already done that. On change day, these stalking raptors change into normal ones again. So not every raptor on the island will turn into a stalker, and if they do, they won't stay one.

Thank you so much for the information.
I was about ready to give up cause honestly I don't have time to debug everything I program. And... it's too easy for the programmer to debug anyways... I know exactly what to expect, I know exactly how everything is supposed to happen. Which means it's not very fun for me, and... not very effective. Cause what's cakewalk for me would probably be impossible for you.

I was about ready to give up cause honestly I don't have time to debug everything I program. And... it's too easy for the programmer to debug anyways... I know exactly what to expect, I know exactly how everything is supposed to happen. Which means it's not very fun for me, and... not very effective. Cause what's cakewalk for me would probably be impossible for you.

and also because you have developed these changes/additions to the game you arnt really seeing the bugs as a user.
iv played the game more and im starting to really like it. one thing that annoyed me a bit was the amount of time between right clicks when building. not a big issue but a little annoying.
and all so i thought i would mention that you cannot use either a bamboo cup of water or a clay cup of water to make a bendable branch. not sure if you realised. its a fairly easy fix
edit: actually just found and fixed another bug, on changeday no new animals are spawned, so my medium island that has no deer, will never spawn anymore deer.
the changday script of the easy medium and hard difficulty scripts need to be changed
edited 1×, last 15.04.12 03:45:45 pm
As for the bendable branch, if i remember to, I'll fix.
And yes, I already know that deer do not respawn. I was planning on making a thicket for a spawning object, just haven't got around to it.
as for the spawning, you sortof already implemented it but the script didnt work. you dont need another object
edit: i found a few more bugs/problems. cannot be preserved. it practically useless
2.large meat cannot be preserved, also now kinda useless.
3.water in clay and bamboo cannot be used to make bendable branches or to make dough
edited 1×, last 18.04.12 10:34:21 am
I'll look into making water in bamboo and clay holders more usable for misc items.
Well, had some time today and I worked on it a bit.
I kept a log of what I did... and here it is.
I have made a model for salted fish, plus texture.
I have made a salted fish item.
The combinations for a salted fish is, cooked fish, could be fresh, 1 day old, or 2 days old + salt.
I think I fixed the spawning deer problem. They should now spawn just like birds and butterflys. The code was already there for easy and normal mode, just I seem to have forgetten to put it into hard mode.
edited 3×, last 19.04.12 01:21:26 pm
i might actually not even have the right code, so i appologise in advance if im just making a fool of myself as well as wasting your time.
this is just an example using random_01_endless_e.inf
on:changeday { 		$mapc=mapsize(); 		$mapc=($mapc/512);//changed to $mapc from $c 		// Spawn Birds 		if (count("unit",25)<$mapc){ randomcreate "unit",25; } 		// Spawn Butterflies 		if (count("unit",6)<$mapc){ randomcreate "unit",6; } 		if (count("unit",7)<$mapc){ randomcreate "unit",7; } 		if (count("unit",46)<$mapc){ randomcreate "unit",46; }		 		freevar $mapc; 	}
note the comment in there.
originally the line read $mapc=($c/512).
which was always 0 because the var $c does not exist.
by changing the line to $mapc=($mapc/512);
now the value of $mapc will depend on the size of the island divided by 512 (in this case).
so the next few if statements can now create the right amount of animals to suit the island size.
if sorry if that was confusing, im not used to trying to explain code in text.
However, I am going to make a spawn point for deer, it's going to look like a huge bush... and it is a huge bush.

edit... And there is no diference between salted or fresh water
Grrreeeaaaattt mods

1. all fresh meats did not get rotten on changeday if you drop it on the ground.
2. the caldron works only if we stand near fire,..
3. the bubble sound of working caldron can be heard if we stand near fire, so we can hear the bubbles sound far away from working caldron as long as we stand near fire.
(sorry if my english is bad)