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English Lua request for HL2D

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old Lua request for HL2D

User Off Offline

Hey guys I need some help with the lua aspect of my HL2D skin & sound pack. I want this to be one lua file simply titled Half Life. Some aspect of the lua I can understand myself like the grenade launcher script for example but in total its much more complicated than that therefor im asking for help.

All credit will be given to the authors of the lua & remember this is a community volunteer project.

And please don't comment like an ass this is purely for the sake of speeding up progress of HL2D & I am admittedly a noob at lua. I primarily make the GFX & SFX content for the mod as well as the mapping.

Right now only 1, 2, & 3 are a priority.

Here is a list of what I need.

1) An AI system similar to loosers bot AI & NaSHs Podbots lua but also including NPCs, VIP, & hostages. There has to be an option to make the terrorist team (HECU grunts) attack the hostages.

2) A dead body script for all players/bot, VIP, NPCs, & Hostages

3) A M203 grenade launcher script for the P90 (MP5) & AK-47 (M4/M203) The grenade launcher will be the M203A1.

4) Soldier NPCs should attack zombies, headcrabs, & snarks. If possible I want the soldier to also be able to throw HE & flash bang grenades.

5) Snark weapon IE the player in grenade pose would be holding a snark sprite & spawn snarks. (probably going to get starkkz to help me with that one.)

6) Spore launcher sprite. A sprite if the spore launcher that can be picked up by the player & equips 10 snowballs (spores) The grenade pose would also have the spore launcher sprite over the players arm.

7) A more advanced version of OLAFs gluon gun script for the flame thrower (I have permission to use it) I want to add wind up firing sfx when the flame thrower starts to shoot & a wind down sfx after it stops.

8 ) armor lua IE the kevlar armor is the BM body armor with sprite.

kevlar & helm = BM body armor & helmet with sprite,

light armor = HEV Mark 4 suit has 100% armor on HUD & acts like kevlar armor & only rechargeable with HEV battery sprites, & HEV charger stations via a use map entity.

armor = HECU PCV vest & works just like the light armor HEV suit.

medic armor = Opposing Force Grunt Medic PCV vest with helmet. This would allow a player with medic armor to heal friendly units with the knife. (Needle sprite that replace the knife skin while player is equipped with medic armor.)

9) flashlight lua. easy to make but needs to be part of the lua file. Also is only usable by players with the kevlar, kevlar & helmet, & HEV armors equipped.

10) HL like weapon damage & weight lua (Ill make this one its fairly simple.)

old Re: Lua request for HL2D

Moderator Off Offline

Phenixtri, i'm still trying to make an NPC mod for new NPCs. (Starting with the houndeye). I can't promise anything because it's getting hard.

old Re: Lua request for HL2D

User Off Offline

Um ok ao are there any other lua scripters out the who would like to pitch in? Cant have Starkkz be doing this all by his lonesome.

old Re: Lua request for HL2D

Deleted User

A lot of impossible things u post
BTW Why you use kanata's avatar here?

old Re: Lua request for HL2D

User Off Offline

Because my steam name is Lucky Star >:3

& its Konata

Also whats so impossible? Vague its impossible reply's don't really help

old Re: Lua request for HL2D

User Off Offline

Well I suspected that the soldier NPC cant throw grenades I was hoping that DC would have made the soldier NPC is the same format as the zombie NPC & players.

As for the gluon gun script its just sound overlays that would be triggered by the gun starting to fire & stopping. It should be able to work since early lua scripts were used to add reload sounds to the guns before reload sounds were implemented by DC.
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