
skiper has written
you play stranded?
Why do you think I'm here?
My copy is working fine, except for some minor problems which aren't really interesting for you by now.
do you play stranded
skiper has written
what how you are not here you are nt in the forum or what?
do you play stranded
do you play stranded
I meaned I'm registered in the Forums and I'm posting active and on topic.
And yes, I'm playing Stranded, but mostly Stranded 2. I'm also not playing as much as some others here.
if you are interest here is the link for my new map pack for stranded i make it today
click the link and you will see (download file)
click it to download
i also make maps for s2 but they suck

skiper has written
me to playing stranded 2 but bizz how can i make in the editor my map i click the arow who point up the boton but it become higher not longer how to make it long island not high????
You have to make the pencil (this odd black circle) a bit bigger by using the scrollwheel while the cursor is over it, then go over the water and scroll up, then you get a hill.
you have to make this scrolling thing often, and after that you have to blur the map (with this button with the hill-like bow).
There's another way, you can paint the base shape of your map in The Gimp or Photoshop and then blur it.
Background must be black, foreground must go to light grey or even white (for highest mountains).
Be aware that you should recalculate the colormap after changing the terrain to get an accurate coloration.
skiper has written
give me a maps of yours map made by you
I'll check your map out.
I actually doesn't have any releasable maps, and there won't be any soon, sry. I'm actually working at a map for a contest (even I don't knwo wether it will be started or not) and I can't release it 'til then. Also, it won't be in english, gut only in german, so sorry.
skiper has written
ok pls tell my how to make the map of the editor more long cuz i dont understand everythink you tell my cuz im bulgarian tell my it more simply pls...
gimme a week or so to make a tutorial with much pictures, okay?
And perhaps a translation of the strings.inf will help. I', trying to make this asap.
skiper has written
can you make translation of s2 so i can make maps i understand english but no german
sure, let's give it a try.
I could upload it saturday. perhaps.

skiper has written
ok man i wayting but in bulgaria today is saturday 

haha, very funny

in germany it's thursday. the only possible different date in the world could be wednesday or friday. bulgaria is between one and two hours east from frankfort, where my clock is localized and where it's now 19:00, so you still have thursday (your time 20:00 or 21:00)
what time is in germany now?
here is 6 o'clock at evening

skiper has written
oh man sorry im bulgarian and i messed and suturday with thursday sorry here is tursday to but i write wrong at exedent sorry dude
what time is in germany now?
here is 6 o'clock at evening
what time is in germany now?
here is 6 o'clock at evening

ops i did wrong here is 7 o clock sorry
Admin/mod comment
Now you are logged in!Please use the edit function and do not make double posts like this one. thanks.
skiper has written
oh man sorry im bulgarian and i messed and suturday with thursday sorry here is tursday to but i write wrong at exedent sorry dude
what time is in germany now?
here is 6 o'clock at evening
what time is in germany now?
here is 6 o'clock at evening

When you have posted, our time was 7pm?
HW has written
He said it was 7pm and I don't think that this is important for the topic...
best thing would be to close the thread. apparantly the problem is soluted.