How open server.lua
i cant open edited 2×, last 07.04.11 06:11:29 pm
Admin/mod comment
"help me" = stupid title, "Unreal Software" = wrong section, I fixed both for you. With notepad.
Btw, change the title.. A mod or DC will trash it (Or they will change the name if they are in a good mood xP) edited 1×, last 07.04.11 06:01:21 pm
Double-click on server.lua then select "Open with a selected program" and select "Notepad" from there. Click ok and there you go
Right click it and select "Open with..." and select Notepad. If it doesn't appear on that menu (most unlikely), click on last option which should be "Choose program...".
I tested this on my Windows XP SP3. Should be the same for vista or 7 or any other Windows you may use (considering you do use Windows, and not Linux, Mac OS X, etc.).
You can also get some specialized Lua editors, I personally recommend
SCiTE - free, easy to install and use. I foresee this being trashed. Bad title, wrong forum, stupid content.