
Super Tibia
12 replies

Btw, this need to be answered on Tibia section e_e
EngiN33R has written
It's it's it's like take everything you have in the refrigerator, mix it, shake it and eat it, but with scripts O:
beer.lua + beer.lua + beer.lua + beer.lua + beer.lua + beer.lua...?
PyKw has written
Made my day.
Danikah has written
beer.lua + beer.lua + beer.lua + beer.lua + beer.lua + beer.lua...?
99 scripts of beer in the file.
That's just selfpwn.
Do not do that again.
And btw, we have millions of threads about people asking to edit tibia, but I don't think anyone has done it, or will do it for someone who asked for a lot more work, then he thinks.
tbl = {}
Re: Super Tibia
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