addhook("serveraction--this is hook","precel.x--this is nil") function precel.x--this is function with nil(id--this must be in script,act--must be in serveraction) if (act==1--action 1=f2 2=f3 3=f4) then - when you click f2 or other action then... --here put your script like parse("setmaxhealth "..id.." ".. 150--number of health to set) end end
-------------------------------------------------- -- UT+Quake Sounds Script by Unreal Software -- -- 22.02.2009 - www.UnrealSoftware.de -- -- Adds UT and Quake Sounds to your Server -- -------------------------------------------------- if sample==nil then sample={} end sample.ut={} ----------------------- -- INITIAL SETUP -- ----------------------- function initArray(m) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, m do 		array[i]=0 	end 	return array end sample.ut.timer=initArray(32) sample.ut.level=initArray(32) sample.ut.fblood=0 ----------------------- -- PREPARE TO FIGHT! -- ----------------------- addhook("startround","sample.ut.startround") function sample.ut.startround() 	parse("sv_sound \"fun/prepare.wav\"") 	sample.ut.fblood=0 end ----------------------- -- KILL SOUNDS+MSGS -- ----------------------- addhook("kill","sample.ut.kill") function sample.ut.kill(killer,victim,weapon) 	if (os.clock()-sample.ut.timer[killer])>3 then 		sample.ut.level[killer]=0; 	end 	level=sample.ut.level[killer] 	level=level+1 	sample.ut.level[killer]=level 	sample.ut.timer[killer]=os.clock() 	-- FIRST BLOOD? 	if (sample.ut.fblood==0) then 		sample.ut.fblood=1 		parse("sv_sound \"fun/firstblood.wav\""); 		msg (player(killer,"name").." sheds FIRST BLOOD by killing "..player(victim,"name").."!") 	end 	-- HUMILIATION? (KNIFEKILL) 	if (weapon==50) then 		-- HUMILIATION! 		parse("sv_sound \"fun/humiliation.wav\""); 		msg (player(killer,"name").." humiliated "..player(victim,"name").."!") 	else 		-- REGULAR KILL 		if (level==1) then 			-- Single Kill! Nothing Special! 		elseif (level==2) then 			parse("sv_sound \"fun/doublekill.wav\""); 			msg (player(killer,"name").." made a Doublekill!") 		elseif (level==3) then 			parse("sv_sound \"fun/multikill.wav\"") 			msg (player(killer,"name").." made a Multikill!") 		elseif (level==4) then 			parse("sv_sound \"fun/ultrakill.wav\"") 			msg (player(killer,"name").." made an ULTRAKILL!") 		elseif (level==5) then 			parse("sv_sound \"fun/monsterkill.wav\"") 			msg (player(killer,"name").." made a MO-O-O-O-ONSTERKILL-ILL-ILL!") 		else 			parse("sv_sound \"fun/unstoppable.wav\"") 			msg (player(killer,"name").." is UNSTOPPABLE! "..level.." KILLS!") 		end 	end end