addhook("serveraction","yay") function yay(id,act) if act==1 then menu(id,"Name of menu,Shop|You can put here informations about shop") end end addhook("menu","menucheck") function menucheck (id,m,b) if m=="Name of menu" then if b==1 then menu(id,"Name of shop,Name Of item|informations") end if m=="Name of shop" if b==1 and mon>item cost then --put here something --maybe parse health parse("sethealth "..id.." "..player(id,"health")+Put number of health for example +10 ) parse("setmoney "..id.." "..player(id,"money")-cost of item don't delete -) elseif mon<item cost msg("©000255255put here message maybe you don't have money to buy this") end end end