i have a question --> ( search )
a script
for admin ( usng number )
can write for colure
i mean the admin can write in text ( normal text cheat box )
he write
his text color is ( White - Red - .... )
please i search this lua script for 13 days

-- Script By Blazzingxx Colors = { grey = "195195195", orange = "255090000", green = "105255000", purple = "190000190" } AdminTable = { } addhook("say","AdminSay") function NewMember(USGN,COLOR,RANK) AdminTable[USGN] = { C = COLOR, R = RANK} local A = AdminTable[USGN] end function AdminSay(P,T) local A = AdminTable[player(P,"usgn")] if A then msg("©"..Colors[string.lower(A.C )]..player(P,"name").." ["..string.upper( A.R ).."]: "..T) return(1) end return(0) end NewMember(15101,"orange","Admin")