1. The command !resetscore so evryone can reset hes score
2. !nobots sometimes i add bots so i need the command !nobots if the users dont like them

addhook("say","cmds") function cmds(p,t) 	if(t=="!resetscore") then 		parse("setscore "..p.." 0") 		parse("setdeaths "..p.." 0") 	elseif(t=="!nobots") then 		for _,v in pairs(player(0,"table")) do 			if(player(v,"bot")==true) then 				parse("kick "..v) 			end 		end 	end end
local lockt = false local lockct = false addhook("say","cmds") function cmds(p,t) 	if(t=="!resetscore") then 		parse("setscore "..p.." 0") 		parse("setdeaths "..p.." 0") 	elseif(t=="!nobots") then 		for _,v in pairs(player(0,"table")) do 			if(player(v,"bot")==true) then 				parse("kick "..v) 			end 		end 	elseif(t=="@lockt") then 		lockt = true 	elseif(t=="@lockct") then 		lockct = true 	elseif(t=="@unlockall") then 		lockt = false 		lockct = false 	end end addhook("team","change") function change(id, team) 	if (player(id,"team")) == 1 then 		if lockt == true then 			return 1 		end 	elseif(player(id,"team")) == 2 then 		if lockct == true then 			return 1 		end 	end end
lockt = false lockct = false addhook("say","cmds") function cmds(p,t) if(t=="!resetscore") then parse("setscore "..p.." 0") parse("setdeaths "..p.." 0") elseif(t=="!nobots") then for _,v in pairs(player(0,"table")) do if(player(v,"bot")==true) then parse("kick "..v) end end elseif(t=="@lockt") then lockt = true elseif(t=="@lockct") then lockct = true elseif(t=="@unlockall") then lockt = false lockct = false end end addhook("team","change") function change(id, team) if (player(id,"team")) == 1 then if lockt == true then return 1 end elseif(player(id,"team")) == 2 then if lockct == true then return 1 end end end
lockt = false lockct = false addhook("say","cmds") function cmds(p,t) 	if(t=="!resetscore") then 		parse("setscore "..p.." 0") 		parse("setdeaths "..p.." 0") 		msg(player(p,"name").." has reset their score.") 	elseif(t=="!nobots") then 		for _,v in pairs(player(0,"table")) do 			if(player(v,"bot")==true) then 				parse("kick "..v) 			end 		end 		msg("All bots have been removed.") 	elseif(t=="@lockt") then lockt = true 	elseif(t=="@lockct") then lockct = true 	elseif(t=="@unlockall") then 		lockt = false 		lockct = false 	else return 0 end 	return 1 end addhook("team","change") function change(id, team) 	if team == 1 then 		if lockt == true then 			msg2(id,"©255000000This team is locked!") 			return 1 		end 	elseif team == 2 then 		if lockct == true then 			msg2(id,"©255000000This team is locked!") 			return 1 		end 	end end