CS2D General Dedicated Server takes long to show on server list Dedicated Server takes long to show on server list
1 reply I read the Server Hosting Problems thread and I couldnt find what I was looking for. So I decided to post a thread. I am having trouble with the dedicated server, it says the server has started and everything, but it takes like a minute to load it. Now I usually wouldnt have a problem with it, but it does it when I am switching levels aswell so everyone Timeouts I port forwarded, Added CS2D on firewall exceptions list, Turned firewall off, and pretty much everything I could think of. Sorry if I had any bad grammar. Thanks - Yoshi DC Admin Offline
The used internet connection is probably not fast enough.
You need a good DSL connection or faster for hosting. Hosting with modem or ISDN will lead to a bad and slow server because they have a very limited upload bandwidth.