parse("customkill "..Killer.." Infected "..Victim)
parse("customkill "..Killer.." Infected "..Victim)
if Ball.X > Goal.X and Ball.X < Goal.X + Goal.W and Ball.Y > Goal.Y and Ball.Y < Goal.Y + Goal.H then 	goal score 	parse sv_restart end
if Ball.X > Goal.X and Ball.X < Goal.X + Goal.W and Ball.Y > Goal.Y and Ball.Y < Goal.Y + Goal.H then 	goal score 	parse sv_restart end
if engi==nil then engi={} end engi.credits={} function initArray(f,v) 	local cmd = {} 	for c = 1, f do 		cmd[c] = v 	end 	return cmd end function engi.credits.hud(id,tid,color,txt,x,y) 	local toprint = ("©"..color.." "..txt) 	parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' '..tid..' "'..toprint..'" '..x.." "..y) end function engi.credits.updatehud(id) 	engi.credits.hud(id,1,"000255000","Money: "..engi.credits.money[id],200,200) end addhook("spawn","engi.credits.spawnhud") function engi.credits.spawnhud(id) 	engi.credits.updatehud(id) end addhook("collect","engi.credits.add") function engi.credits.add(id,iid) 	if (iid==66) then 		engi.credits.money[id]=engi.credits.money[id]+100 		engi.credits.updatehud(id) 	end 	if (iid==67) then 		engi.credits.money[id]=engi.credits.money[id]+1000 		engi.credits.updatehud(id) 	end 	if (iid==68) then 		engi.credits.money[id]=engi.credits.money[id]+10000 		engi.credits.updatehud(id) 	end 	if (iid==56) then 		engi.credits.money[id]=engi.credits.money[id]+100000 		engi.credits.updatehud(id) 	end end addhook("say","engi.credits.drop") function engi.credits.drop(p,t) 	if (t=="dropmoney") then 		menu(p,"Ammount to drop,100,1000,10000,100000") 		return 1 	end end addhook("menu","engi.credits.dropmenu") function engi.credits.dropmenu(id,menu,sel) 	if (menu=="Ammount to drop") and (sel==1) then 		parse ("spawnitem 66 "..(player(id,"tilex")).." "..(player(id,"tiley"))) 		parse ("setmoney "..id.." "..(player(id,"money"))-100) 		engi.credits.money[id]=engi.credits.money[id]-100 		engi.credits.updatehud(id) 	end 	if (menu=="Ammount to drop") and (sel==2) then 		parse ("spawnitem 67 "..(player(id,"tilex")).." "..(player(id,"tiley"))) 		parse ("setmoney "..id.." "..(player(id,"money"))-1000) 		engi.credits.money[id]=engi.credits.money[id]-1000 		engi.credits.updatehud(id) 	end 	if (menu=="Ammount to drop") and (sel==3) then 		parse ("spawnitem 68 "..(player(id,"tilex")).." "..(player(id,"tiley"))) 		parse ("setmoney "..id.." "..(player(id,"money"))-10000) 		engi.credits.money[id]=engi.credits.money[id]-10000 		engi.credits.updatehud(id) 	end 	if (menu=="Ammount to drop") and (sel==4) then 		parse ("spawnitem 56 "..(player(id,"tilex")).." "..(player(id,"tiley"))) 		parse ("setmoney "..id.." "..(player(id,"money"))-100000) 		engi.credits.money[id]=engi.credits.money[id]-100000 		engi.credits.updatehud(id) 	end end engi.credits.money=initArray(32,2500)
function InTable(n,v) 	local Table = {} 	for i = 0, n, 1 do Table[i] = v end 	return(Table) end BallImagePath = "gfx/lua/ball.png"	-- Image = 32*32 (Circle) GateImagePath = "gfx/lua/gate.png"	-- Image = 64*96 (Rectangle) WeaponsPush = true	-- Weapons Effect Ball Ball = { X , Y, XS, YS, Cur } Pl = { Kick = InTable(32,0) } CT_Goal = { X, Y} T_Goal = { X, Y} ImagesList = {} addhook("startround","FootBallStart") addhook("always","FootBallUpdate") addhook("use","FootBallKick") addhook("attack","FootBallPush") function FootBallStart() 	RemoveFromList() 	LoadBall(9,9) 	LoadGates() end function SetArea(X,Y,W,H) Area = { X = X * 32 + 16, Y = Y * 32 + 16, W = W * 32 + 16, H = H * 32 + 16 } end function SetGoal(TEAM,X,Y) 	_G[TEAM.."_Goal"] = { X = X * 32, Y = Y * 32} end function ImageToList(Path,X,Y,MODE) 	local ID = image(Path,X,Y,MODE) 	table.insert(ImagesList,ID) 	return(ID)	 end function RemoveFromList() 	for k, v in pairs(ImagesList) do freeimage(v) end 	ImagesList = {} end function LoadBall(X,Y) 	Ball.X, Ball.Y = X * 32 + 16, Y * 32 + 16 	Ball.XS, Ball.YS = 0, 0 	local ID = ImageToList(BallImagePath,Ball.X,Ball.Y,1) 	Ball.Cur = ID end function FootBallUpdate() 	local X, Y 	for k, v in pairs(player(0,"table")) do 		X, Y = player(v,"x"), player(v,"y") 		if (Dist(X,Y,Ball.X,Ball.Y) < 32) then 			local RAD = math.atan2(Y - Ball.Y,X - Ball.X) 			local Power = 2 			if (Pl.Kick[v] > 0) then 				Power, Pl.Kick[v] = 12, 0 				msg2(v,"KICK!@C") 				msg2(v,"Kick: OFF") 			end 			Ball.XS = Ball.XS - math.cos(RAD) * Power 			Ball.YS = Ball.YS - math.sin(RAD) * Power 			Ball.X = X - math.cos(RAD) * 33 			Ball.Y = Y - math.sin(RAD) * 33 		 end 	end 	if (Ball.X > Area.W or Ball.X < Area.X) then Ball.XS = -Ball.XS end 	if (Ball.Y > Area.H or Ball.Y < Area.Y) then Ball.YS = -Ball.YS end 	if (Ball.X > Area.W) then Ball.X = Area.W end 	if (Ball.Y > Area.H) then Ball.Y = Area.H end 	if (Ball.X < Area.X) then Ball.X = Area.X end 	if (Ball.Y < Area.Y) then Ball.Y = Area.Y end 	if (Ball.XS > 12) then Ball.XS = 12 elseif (Ball.XS < -12) then Ball.XS = -12 end 	if (Ball.YS > 12) then Ball.YS = 12 elseif (Ball.YS < -12) then Ball.YS = -12 end 	Ball.X, Ball.Y = Ball.X + Ball.XS, Ball.Y + Ball.YS 	imagepos(Ball.Cur,Ball.X,Ball.Y,0) 	Ball.XS, Ball.YS = Ball.XS / 1.05, Ball.YS / 1.05 	if InArea(Ball,CT_Goal.X - 32,CT_Goal.Y - 48,CT_Goal.X + 32,CT_Goal.Y + 48) then parse("restart") msg("T SCORE!") end 	if InArea(Ball,T_Goal.X - 32,T_Goal.Y - 48,T_Goal.X + 32,T_Goal.Y + 48) then parse("restart") msg("CT SCORE!") end end function Dist(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) 	return( ((X1 - X2) ^ 2 + (Y1 - Y2) ^ 2) ^ .5 ) end function FootBallKick(ID) 	local Switch = {"Off","On"} 	if (Pl.Kick[ID] > 0) then Pl.Kick[ID] = 0 else Pl.Kick[ID] = 1 end 	msg2(ID,"Kick: "..Switch[Pl.Kick[ID] + 1]) end function FootBallPush(ID) 	local WPN = player(ID,"weapontype") 	if (WPN > 0 and WPN < 10 or WPN > 19 and WPN < 41) and WeaponsPush then 		local X = player(ID,"x") 		local Y = player(ID,"y") 		local ROT = player(ID,"rot") - 90 		local FLY = true 		while FLY do 			X, Y = X + math.cos(math.rad(ROT)) * 5, Y + math.sin(math.rad(ROT)) * 5 			if Dist(X,Y,Ball.X,Ball.Y) < 16 then 				local DMG = itemtype(WPN,"dmg") / 4 				Ball.XS, Ball.YS = Ball.XS + math.cos(math.rad(ROT)) * DMG, Ball.YS + math.sin(math.rad(ROT)) * DMG 				break 			else 				if tile(math.ceil(X/32) - 1,math.ceil(Y/32) - 1,"wall") then FLY = false end 			end 		end 	end end function InArea(XY,X1,Y1,X2,Y2) 	return( XY.X > X1 and XY.X < X2 and XY.Y > Y1 and XY.Y < Y2 ) end function LoadGates() 	imagecolor(ImageToList(GateImagePath,CT_Goal.X,CT_Goal.Y,1),0,0,255) 	imagecolor(ImageToList(GateImagePath,T_Goal.X,T_Goal.Y,1),255,0,0) end SetArea(2,2,18,18) SetGoal("CT",18,11) SetGoal("T",3,11) FootBallStart()