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English Smoke is unfair??

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old Smoke is unfair??


How come if your particle detail is set to HIGH, you see small smoke and it grows bigger by time, and if ur particle detail is set to LOW, you see the smoke grenade get big automatically, its unfair because:

Player X has the option on HIGH
Player Y has the option on LOW


Player Y throw a smoke grenade and decides to hide in it, since his particle detail is set to LOW, on his screen it shows alot of smoke. Now Player X comes by and has particle detail on HIGH, so on HIS screen he sees the smoke still growing, but he does see Player Y in it.

Player Y cant be seen on his screen and Player X CAN see him..

What's this all about?
DC are you gonna fix this in the next version?
No matter what particle setting u have it on, they all should be same size, or atleast let the LOW setting have the smoke get bigger or let the HIGH setting be like LOW setting automatically big when u throw the smoke (exept much more realistic afcourse since its on HIGH particle detail)

This might seem nothing much to worry about, but it can ruin some competetive play really.
You always dont know what your enemy or friends have on their particle detail so u dont know if on their screen the smoke is still getting bigger but on that moment they do see you, or if they have it on LOW and that they only see alot of smoke, this should really be fixed.

old Re: Smoke is unfair??

User Off Offline

I noticed this today. I think you should just be careful when you're using high particle details and hiding in smoke.

old Re: Smoke is unfair??

Admin Off Offline

please consider: if you throw the grenade when your enemy already sees you, he will also know that you are there. so the smoke doesn't help at all. the growing thing doesn't matter in this case.
moreover the smoke needs only a few seconds to "grow" on high particle details. in 90% of all cases your enemy will not even see this "growing"-process because he is not close enough to see it.

the disadvantage caused by this is VERY minimal. I really don't think that I have to fix something there.

however I'll add this to the todo list and try to optimize this.
edited 2×, last 06.12.08 10:38:55 am
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