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Englisch Carnage Contest @ Discussion

311 Antworten
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alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

Moderator Off Offline

Can you stop thinking about blood?
hey, Lua scripts

Can you do something like that with weapons in cs2d? (If its posible)

alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

Admin Off Offline

no sorry. CS2D is not programmed to work this way. it's a completely different system and it would lead to many problems.

alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

Moderator Off Offline

It will be awsome then lua in CC will be improved

I think you will get more ideas with CC. Its useless to make almost same game as worms, but I know that you are going to make it better

alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

playa slaya

i thout you could overwrite the weapon damages and make a claw to cause explosion when it hits someone.and i know you can do it to make healing weapons or give more damage.

alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

Admin Off Offline

this thread is about Carnage Contest, not about CS2D. you can change the damage of weapons in CS2D, that's true and you can attach some additional functionality with Lua script.

however in Carnage Contest you can change EVERYTHING of a weapon and moreover you can create COMPLETELY NEW weapons which totally differ from every existing weapon.

neither CS2D nor Worms allow you to do that. that's the difference.

alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

User Off Offline

DC hat geschrieben
however in Carnage Contest you can change EVERYTHING of a weapon and moreover you can create COMPLETELY NEW weapons which totally differ from every existing weapon.

ZOMG, DC you rock! Spartan-029 can finally make his dream weapon! HE LOVES YOU!

alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

User Off Offline

DC hat geschrieben
this thread is about Carnage Contest, not about CS2D. you can change the damage of weapons in CS2D, that's true and you can attach some additional functionality with Lua script.

however in Carnage Contest you can change EVERYTHING of a weapon and moreover you can create COMPLETELY NEW weapons which totally differ from every existing weapon.

neither CS2D nor Worms allow you to do that. that's the difference.

and its a multiplayer
so downloading thing will be a problem as the images and new weapons will be too large

alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

User Off Offline

Reminds me of Stranded II.
But the weapons are being done in Lua, not whatever Stranded was in, right? So... there's less of an easy template to work with...
Oh well, still can't wait. ^-^

alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

User Off Offline

playa slaya hat geschrieben
how hard will weapon scripting be, and will ppl catch on easily?

*cough* go to the cs2d section and see the lua scripts , that may answer your question

alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

User Off Offline

Weapon scripting in Lua is a bit different from most Lua scripts in cs2d. You need to be good in maths, because it's much calculating (e.g. parables for projectiles)

alt Re: Carnage Contest @ Discussion

Admin Off Offline

I already mentioned that CC sends all files (maps/weapon scripts/used images and sounds) when you host a game. scripts are sent ALWAYS (and not saved on the client machine). images and sounds will be compared with a checksum. CC only sends them when they do not exist or when they differ.

so you do NOT have to give your scripts to others manually.
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