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Englisch can't see the game letters

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alt can't see the game letters

User Off Offline

Hello us

I'm back after 1 year of inactivity i wanted to install cs2d back from steam,

when I've finished the installation and launched the game i can't see anything,

I'm at the menu where it's written "new game" "find server" etc...
but i just can't read them, letters are not in the adapted quality i think letters are all flouted


thank you for your help,
3× editiert, zuletzt 25.06.18 11:31:08

alt Re: can't see the game letters

User Off Offline

Yes, I've tried both of them,

On that computer I'm using windows 7
But I've already played on that computer before and this is the first time I'm receiving that thing

alt Re: can't see the game letters


I once had similar issue but more subtle, I thought I have a placebo thinking that middle of the screen is hard to read for some reason in CS2D.

Then one day I tried to press auto calibration button on my monitor while in CS2D and the screen got sharp again

alt Re: can't see the game letters

Cure Pikachu
User Off Offline

user Quattro hat geschrieben
Then one day I tried to press auto calibration button on my monitor while in CS2D and the screen got sharp again

I highly doubt user Ryden's monitor is the cause, especially when (s)he shared the screenshot online and other people (even myself) also think it looks off.

@OP: According to this, also try between windowed and fullscreen. May also be a wise idea to update your graphic card drivers.

alt Re: can't see the game letters

User Off Offline

Well for the Monitor problem it can't be this cause I've got Laptop and I've played cs2d before,
And for Windowed/ Fullscreen I've tried both but still not working

alt Re: can't see the game letters

Admin On Online

This is nearly always an driver or settings issue.
You should try updating your video card drivers if possible. Also if your driver comes with settings (in the tray / system control) you should check these.

A typical reason for this behavior is that (mostly low level) video cards are trying to optimize the performance by using lower resolution textures. If they do this with the font textures, it results in that blurry stuff you see.

So if you can find any settings for texture filtering or resolution you should check these.

alt Re: can't see the game letters

User Off Offline

@user DC: Tried to Update the Video card but the video card is Up to date tried to change screen resolutions and game resolutions it still the same

Is there any Option in-game for change this?
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