CS2D Scripts addhook: meaning of 3rd parameter (priority)addhook: meaning of 3rd parameter (priority)
9 replies 1
ohaz has written
The higher the number, the higher priority that hook has.
addhook("say", "say1", 20) addhook("say", "say2", 200)
msg(""..crtag.."[Admin] "..player(id,"name").." :"..crsay.." "..t)
LUA ERROR: attempt to call a number value
The same result if ("say","tags"). Pls help me
edited 1×, last 28.07.14 04:15:41 pm
cs2d has written
The attached function with the HIGHEST priority is the LAST function which will be executed.
So, say1 will run before say2 runs.
Just relaying TopNotch's message @ ohaz
@ Good day: Next time choose a more suitable title. Something like "Number at end of "addhook" meaning?" or something.
In case you don't understand something. Try going to
Rainoth has written
@ Good day: Next time choose a more suitable title. Something like "Number at end of "addhook" meaning?" or something.
So, can you help me, or no?
edited 2×, last 28.07.14 04:49:47 pm
Basically what you've said so far was
"here, I have a fork I can show you. How do I fix my car?"
Rainoth has written
Can you edit my lua? Please... I'll send my script to your mail, ok? Post your code and we'll fix it up.
Basically what you've said so far was
"here, I have a fork I can show you. How do I fix my car?"
Basically what you've said so far was
"here, I have a fork I can show you. How do I fix my car?"