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Englisch Can't Join Servers :/

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alt Can't Join Servers :/

User Off Offline

Hi .. i got a new problem, i can't join any server, This happened now, I got another notbook, but the internet still the same. Whenever I go into any server, whatever Order this error appears:


Connecting to: (SERVER IP)
wait at least 4 seconds, then:


Server is verifying your U.S.G.N login...
wait at least 6 seconds: then


Waiting for Transmission..
File 0 of [files]

and stop here, FOREVER



alt Re: Can't Join Servers :/

Admin On Online

The connections to the server you are trying to join seems to be very bad. Try other servers. Only try to join servers with good pings. Stop all downloads and programs that use the internet. Make sure that windows update is not downloading stuff while you are trying to play.

alt Re: Can't Join Servers :/

User Off Offline

already checked and everything is closed, 10mb internet, and the servers are all green latency, sometimes I can get into one or other, but connexão is horrible, several DC all the time.. My last problem with DC's took 2 weeks to go automatically, maybe that I expect too '-'

alt Re: Can't Join Servers :/

User Off Offline

It could be because of more than one person downloading the transmissioned files. Make sure you dont have any browsers opened up. The browsers use a port, which cs2d needs to use, and the browsers block the connection to cs2d. If this keeps on happening, i would suggest re-starting cs2d. Hope this helps.

alt Re: Can't Join Servers :/

Reviewer Off Offline

@user D-D3ADxPro: I'm trying to stay nice here, so don't read this and then reply like an idiot.
     1. You cannot delete your U.S.G.N.
     2. Demonn meant to logout of U.S.G.N.
     3. If he said restart CS2D wouldn't he actually say those exact bloody words.

@user BlackBelt: I suggest you listen to DC. All the other replies here are basically spam and the suggestions other than those of DC are simple and things every normal person would have tried before. Except for _Gamer as that is just bloody nonsense.

alt Re: Can't Join Servers :/

Admin On Online

user D-D3ADxPro hat geschrieben
[...]The browsers use a port, which cs2d needs to use, and the browsers block the connection to cs2d. If this keeps on happening, i would suggest re-starting cs2d. Hope this helps.

This is wrong in my eyes. Which port are you talking about? Browsers are commonly using TCP only unless you have live streams opened (those use UDP in most cases). CS2D on the other side is using UDP only. TCP and UDP ports are unrelated so it shouldn't be any problem to keep a browser opened in the background.

alt Re: Can't Join Servers :/

User Off Offline

user DC is completely right. You would have to run about 65000 Streams in your browser to stop cs2d from working. UDP Ports have a range from 1 to 65535 - each new outgoing UDP connection uses an unused (random?) port to transmit stuff. Even if you would have 50000 ports used - you still had ~15k left for cs2d to chose from. Should not be a problem.

alt Re: Can't Join Servers :/

User Off Offline

he problem is this solving alone again, as the old problem of DC's, I do not know why, but is already improving, it might be a problem with the provider of the internet, thanks all for the tips.

alt Re: Can't Join Servers :/

Admin On Online

@user Xirot: Totally wrong. USGN is working perfectly fine unless it's completely down. Moreover the USGN is not related to the problem in this thread in any way. We are talking about problems in the file transfer. The USGN is not involved there.
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