I see what you did there
CS2D General Gunfire Development 10.03.17 - new threadI see what you did there
In Soviet russia, games develope you! One dude from Russia developing CS2d on Android his name is Skeptic.
Starkkz has written
I see what you did there
I see what you did there
It isn't my screenshot But this doing another guy from Russia. This game now have this name - "Critical-Strike" and it really looks like symbios of cs 1.6 and cs source.
I have Android 2.2
I have 4GB of Ram
my device is a Smart Tablet.
Wheel Angry Birds, and other games, just do not understand why the Mobile CS2D not want to run.
Does anyone know to solve my problem?
Video of when the error: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV1V17RyjVg&feature=plcp
HaNwKs has written
I downloaded the CS2D Mobile, and installed, but when opening it says "Downloading Cache and automatically closes.
I have Android 2.2
I have 4GB of Ram
my device is a Smart Tablet.
Wheel Angry Birds, and other games, just do not understand why the Mobile CS2D not want to run.
Does anyone know to solve my problem?
Video of when the error: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV1V17RyjVg&feature=plcp
I have Android 2.2
I have 4GB of Ram
my device is a Smart Tablet.
Wheel Angry Birds, and other games, just do not understand why the Mobile CS2D not want to run.
Does anyone know to solve my problem?
Video of when the error: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV1V17RyjVg&feature=plcp
This error was discussed a lot of times. Dropbox closed acess to files without registration. So, you must download cache by yourself. Link is placed near apk link.
HaNwKs has written
Yes, I downloaded the cache and put it on sdcard so it's no use, says the application has stopped working...
You have probably mis-placed where the folder should be located.
It should be in /sdcard/cs2d
Make sure it's not in /cs2d. That is a common mistake especially if you are using "File Explorer" on Android.
There is also a case where you would un-zip it and it would actually un-zip into a directory of /sdcard/cs2d/cs2d. So you would have to take out the folder and make it /sdcard/cs2d. I hope that helps.
Chingy has written
Well, I'm waiting too already for the next update. the summer is ending in a few weeks and it doesn't looks like there is an update incoming.
Same here. Probably in about 3 weeks he will post it that would be my guess. I will contact him on Skype and check with his progress anyways.