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English Required Internet Speed for Hosting

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old Re: Required Internet Speed for Hosting

User Off Offline

Best for game servers are VPSs with high-speed Internet without any limits.
Try to host a server and ask people from some countries to join it.
If you are from Hungary, try to ask people from the USA,Canada,Brasil,Africa,Germany,the UK.

old Re: Required Internet Speed for Hosting

Admin On Online

Letting people join from far away is not a good test for this scenario.

It's better to try it with many people which are close to your location. This way you ensure that the performance is not influenced too much by a long packet route.

Try with few players first and increase the number until the pings become worse or people start to complain about many lags.

old Re: Required Internet Speed for Hosting

User Off Offline

your internet doesnt need to be particularly good to host online games; its usually just about location. being close to a lot of people would be way better than being far away, even with the greatest connection that ever existed (does not include godlike fiber optics, provided both sides have access)

old Re: Required Internet Speed for Hosting

Admin On Online

You need a pretty good upload capacity for hosting. The upload capacity for regular home connections is very limited commonly because those connections are designed to download much stuff and not to upload it. The upload is always the bottleneck in home hosting.

old Re: Required Internet Speed for Hosting

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

@user Ghost-Rider: If it's one server then your speeds are good enough. What are the specifications of the server? The speeds are pretty nice so I'm assuming the hardware is as well.

Is this one server say a construction? citylife? Something that might have custom graphics, or 32 players all the time.
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