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English CS2D Clans Centre

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old CS2D Clans Centre

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Hello dear community! Recently I had an idea. I'm here to ask - do you need a good "CS2D clans centre"? Where you can sort clans by country/quantity of members. Place where you can easily add/remove your clans. I'll soon have some free time, so I'll be able to code it. But I decided to ask first - why should I do something which is not requested.

Don't mention projects like - it's utterly retarded, you have to make a retarded application, register on forum which is basically a pain in the ass, finally they place your clan banner into raw HTML page and here you are. I highly doubt it even gets updated (does it?).

Yet I won't make a poll, I just want to hear your opinions and suggestions in this thread.

old Re: CS2D Clans Centre

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user oxytamine has written
I thought about this but then decided to place it in off-topic section.

Ok, just as long as it wasn't a misclick.

I would sort of like this resource, I'm not really into clanning but I think it would be funny to see how many clans include [pro] in their tag ..

old Re: CS2D Clans Centre

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user oxytamine has written
Hello dear community! Recently I had an idea. I'm here to ask - do you need a good "CS2D clans centre"? Where you can sort clans by country/quantity of members. Place where you can easily add/remove your clans. I'll soon have some free time, so I'll be able to code it. But I decided to ask first - why should I do something which is not requested.

Don't mention projects like - it's utterly retarded, you have to make a retarded application, register on forum which is basically a pain in the ass, finally they place your clan banner into raw HTML page and here you are. I highly doubt it even gets updated (does it?).

Yet I won't make a poll, I just want to hear your opinions and suggestions in this thread.

Gets updated every single day by our staff. Applications replies less than 5 minutes in our Forums, so actually go pick on someone else and do your "own" thing. Because anyone can apply and get their Clan setup on our site in less than 60 Minutes basically according to our information, and you can check all applications if you want.

PS: is a paid domain, fyi.
edited 1×, last 21.04.12 06:28:04 am

old Re: CS2D Clans Centre

User Off Offline

user MostAfa, good to hear. If only I didn't need to register on messed up forum from 90's (why didn't you add background music, seriously) - that would be a great alternative. Sadly it's not, you didn't even manage to implement something like sorting. Therefore I somehow came up to idea that it could be done in a better way.
user MostAfa has written
PS: is a paid domain, fyi.

Why not COM or NET? Most people know TK as a free domain and frankly speaking I thought that this one is free too.

old Re: CS2D Clans Centre

User Off Offline

@user oxytamine: Well, we are a simple community to be honest. I am not trying to open up a professional hosting. Simple is enough for us. Thank you for your suggestion.

old Re: CS2D Clans Centre

User On Online

user oxytamine has written
Recently I had an idea. I'm here to ask - do you need a good "CS2D clans centre"?
I had this idea too, and I've already started it back then. But the code got broken because of some damn bugs of my editor...
It was called USCN. I've always thought about starting it again, but I've never really had the time / fun for it. I would support you as good as I could though.

You can see some of my concept things in this thread:
And don't stop at looking at the first few screenshots, I've changed the color scheme
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