Off Topic Stoling VpS Infinite Rain has written
PLease ban X-Files
He stole a lot of accounts and servers
He is stoler and bi*** we dont want to see him alive everyone hates him
PLease ban X-Files
He stole a lot of accounts and servers
He is stoler and bi*** we dont want to see him alive everyone hates him
2 thing to say
Its robber not stoler
2. second i dont hate him. I would do same if some stupid human being would give me password to server.
Erik963 has written
2 thing to say
Its robber not stoler
2. second i dont hate him. I would do same if some stupid human being would give me password to server.
Infinite Rain has written
PLease ban X-Files
He stole a lot of accounts and servers
He is stoler and bi*** we dont want to see him alive everyone hates him
PLease ban X-Files
He stole a lot of accounts and servers
He is stoler and bi*** we dont want to see him alive everyone hates him
2 thing to say
Its robber not stoler
2. second i dont hate him. I would do same if some stupid human being would give me password to server.
1. It's actually stealer. And the right phrase would be "He's a stealer"
2. Then you're not going to be trusted lol...
And hey that's true X-Files always steals sth without credit to someone. I agree
Zins has written
so trauma u mean i m not the first who xfiles steal it -.- ?
Maybe not.
i lose 40dolar for nothing and he win evrything
3RROR has written
1. It's actually stealer. And the right phrase would be "He's a stealer"
2. Then you're not going to be trusted lol...
And hey that's true X-Files always steals sth without credit to someone. I agree
Erik963 has written
2 thing to say
Its robber not stoler
2. second i dont hate him. I would do same if some stupid human being would give me password to server.
Infinite Rain has written
PLease ban X-Files
He stole a lot of accounts and servers
He is stoler and bi*** we dont want to see him alive everyone hates him
PLease ban X-Files
He stole a lot of accounts and servers
He is stoler and bi*** we dont want to see him alive everyone hates him
2 thing to say
Its robber not stoler
2. second i dont hate him. I would do same if some stupid human being would give me password to server.
1. It's actually stealer. And the right phrase would be "He's a stealer"
2. Then you're not going to be trusted lol...
And hey that's true X-Files always steals sth without credit to someone. I agree
Robber or stealer both is same. Robber fits better but yeah if he is like you say than fuck him.
Should I?
DarkSucker has written
hey guys just make a poll who want to ban X-Files
admins will ban you sooner than him if you make pool.