I need a script.
When I use Machete, an explosion appear where I hit If you prefer, it's the same of RP... And just USGN list can use Machete explosion, for other it's basic Machete... Thanks for help me !
admins={YOUR USGN, XXXXX, YYYYY} addhook("hit","hithook") function hithook(id, source, weapon) 	if (searchArray(admins,source) and weapon == 69) then 		parse("explosion "..player(id,"x").." "..player(id,"y").." 64 10 "..source) 	end end function searchArray(array,value) 	for k,v in pairs(array) do 		if v==value then return true end 	end 	return false end
addhook("attack","a") function a(id) 	local rot = player(id,"rot") if rot < -90 then rot = rot + 360 end 	local rad = math.rad(math.abs( rot + 90 )) - math.pi 	local x = player(id,"x") + math.cos(rad) * 56 local y = player(id,"y") + math.sin(rad) * 56 	if (player(id,"weapon")==69) then 		parse("explosion "..x.." "..y.." 64 10 "..id) 	end end
function hithook(id, source, weapon) 	if (searchArray(admins,player(source,"usgn")) and weapon == 69) then 		parse("explosion "..player(id,"x").." "..player(id,"y").." 64 10 "..source) 	end end