If there are less then 24 players a bot joins in spec mode, and if there are over 24 players the bot is kicked.
Any help?
addhook("say","player_say") function player_say(id,txt) if(txt=="!usp") then parse("equip "..id.." 1")end if(txt=="!glock") then parse("equip "..id.." 2")end if(txt=="!deagle") then parse("equip "..id.." 3")end end end
addhook("use","player_use") function player_use(id,trigger) if(trigger=="339") then parse("equip "..id.." 1")end if(trigger=="337") then parse("equip "..id.." 2")end if(trigger=="338") then parse("equip "..id.." 3")end end end
addhook ("hit",hitt") function hitt(id,source,iid,weapon) if weapon==yourweapon then parse ("setpos "..id.." x y") end end
function initArray(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 end return array end god=initArray(32) addhook("say","god_mode") function god_mode(id,txt) if(txt=="/god") then if god[id]==0 then god[id]=1 msg2(id,"©000255000God ON! @C") elseif god[id]==1 then god[id]=0 msg2(id,"©255000000God OFF! @C") end end end addhook("hit","god_on") function god_on(id,source,weapon,hpdmg,apdmg) if god[id]==1 then 	return 1 	end end
-- Script By Blazzingxx addhook("attack","FiveSevenTeleport") function FiveSevenTeleport(id) 	if (player(id,"weapontype") == 6) then 		local b = { x = player(id,"x"), y = player(id,"y"), dir = math.rad(player(id,"rot") - 90) } 		local i, nx, ny 		while true do 			nx = b.x + math.cos(b.dir) * 16 			ny = b.y + math.sin(b.dir) * 16 			if not tile((nx / 32) - 1,(ny / 32) - 1,"walkable") then 				if i then parse(string.format("setpos %s %s %s",id,b.x - 16,b.y - 16)) end 				msg2(id,"©000255000Teleport!@C") 				break 			else 				parse(string.format('effect "fire" %s %s %s',b.x,b.y,1,1)) 				b.x, b.y = nx, ny 				i = true 			end 		end 	end end
if (txt=="/god") then
if (txt=="!god") then
local jpx=0 local jpy=0 addhook("say","savpos") function savpos(i,t) if (t=="savepos") then 	local jpx=player(i,"x") 	local jpy=player(i,"y") end end addhook("hit","fiveseventele") function fiveseventele(vic,src,wp) 	if (wp==6) then 		parse('setpos '..vic..' '..jpx..' '..jpy) 	return 1 	end end
function Array(size,value) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, size do 		array[i]=value 	end 	return array end player_counted = Array(32,"false") player_count = 0 pbk >= 25 addhook("join","join") addhook("spawn","spawn") addhook("leave","leave") addhook("ms100","ms") function join(id) 	if player_counted[id]=="false" then 		player_count = player_count+1 		player_counted[id]="true" 	end end function leave(id) 	player_count = player_count-1 	player_counted[id]="false" end function spawn(id) 	if player_counted[id]=="false" then 		player_counted[id]="true" 		player_count=player_count+1 	end end function ms() 	if player_count >= 24 then 		for id=1,32 do 			if player(id,"bot") then 				parse("kick "..id) 			end 		end 	else 		parse("bot_add") 	end end
p_w = 6 -- Weapon That Takes Player To Prison , Five Seven (6) only_admins = "true" -- If You Want Just To Be Used For Admins admins = {22068} -- Put Your Usgn If You Want More Than 1 Then Put ,#usgn function Array(size,value) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, size do 		array[i]=value 	end 	return array end function table.find(table,value) for i,v in ipairs(table) do if v == value then return true end end end prisoned = Array(32,"false") spawn_x = Array(32,0) spawn_y = Array(32,0) prison_x = Array(32,0) prison_y = Array(32,0) temp_adm = Array(32,"false") mode = Array(32,0) modeb = Array(32,"Nothing/None") function adm(pl) 	local val 	local usgn = player(pl,"usgn") 	if table.find(admins,usgn) then 		val = "true" 	else 		val = "false" 	end 	return val end addhook("leave","p_leave") function p_leave(id) 	prisoned[id]="false" 	mode[id]="false" 	spawn_y[id]="false" 	spawn_x[id]="false" 	prison_y[id]="false" 	prison_x[id]="false" 	temp_adm[id]="false" end addhook("hit","p_hit") function p_hit(id,source,weapon,hpdmg,apdmg) 	if weapon == p_w then 		if mode[id]==1 then 			if prison_x[source] => 1 or prison_y =>[source] 1 then 				parse("setpos "..id.." "..prison_x[source].." "..prison_y[source]) 				spawn_x[id] = prison_x[source] 				spawn_y[id] = prison_y[source] 				prisoned[id]="true" 				parse("sv_msg2 "..source.." You Prisoned "..player(id,"name")) 				parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." You Are Prisoned By "..player(source,"name")) 				parse('effect "colorsmoke" '..player(id,"x")..' '..player(id,"y")..' 1 1 0 200 0') 			else 				parse("sv_msg2 "..source.." You Don't Have Prision Position") 			end 			return 1 		elseif mode[id]==2 then 			if prisoned[id]=="true" then 				prisoned[id]="false" 				parse("sv_msg2 "..source.." You UnPrisoned "..player(id,"name")) 				parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." "..player(source,"name").." UnPrisoned You") 				parse('effect "colorsmoke" '..player(id,"x")..' '..player(id,"y")..' 1 1 0 0 255') 			else 				prisoned[id]="true" 				parse("sv_msg2 "..source.." You Prisoned "..player(id,"name")) 				parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." "..player(source,"name").." Prisoned You") 				parse('effect "colorsmoke" '..player(id,"x")..' '..player(id,"y")..' 1 1 255 0 0') 			end--91646165 			return 1 		else 			return 0 		end 	end end addhook("spawn","p_spawn") function p_spawn(id) 	if prisoned[id]="true" then 		parse("setpos "..id.." "..spawn_x[id].." "..spawn_y[id]) 	end end addhook("serveraction","f2") function f2(id,action) 	if action==1 then -- If Pressed F2 Appear Prison Menu, 2 For F3 and 3 For F4 		if only_admins=="true" then 			if adm(id)=="true" or temp_adm[id]=="true" then 				menu(id,"Prison Pos@b,Set Prison Pos,Pos_x:|"..prison_x[id]..",Pos_y:|"..prison_y[id]..",Mode|"..mode[id]) 			end 		else 			menu(id,"Prison Pos@b,Set Prison Pos,Pos_x:|"..prison_x[id]..",Pos_y:|"..prison_y[id]..",Mode|"..modeb[id]) 		end 	end end addhook("menu","menu") function menu(id,t,b) x = player(id,"x") y = player(id,"y") 	if t == [[Prison Pos]] then 		if b==1 then 			prison_x[id]=x 			prison_y[id]=y 			parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." Position Saved") 			mode[id]=1 		elseif b==2 then 			prison_x[id]=x 		elseif b==3 then 			prison_y[id]=y 		elseif b==4 then 			if mode[id]==0 then 				mode[id]=1 				modeb[id]="Take To Prison" 			elseif mode[id]==1 then 				mode[id]=2 				modeb[id]="Prison/UnPrison" 			end	 		end 	end end addhook("parse","parse") function parse(text) 	if string.sub(text,1,8)=="temp_adm" then 		vic_id = string.sub(text,10) 		temp_adm[vic_id]="true" 		parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." You Give "..player(vic_id,"name").." Temporal Admin") 		parse("sv_msg2 "..vic_id.." "..player(id,"name").." Give You Temporal Admin") 	end end
function Array(size,value) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, size do 		array[i]=value 	end 	return array end god = Array(32,0) addhook("say","god_mode") function god_mode(id,txt) 	if (txt=="!god") then 		if god[id]==0 then 			god[id]=1 			msg2(id,"©000255000God ON! @C") 		elseif god[id]==1 then 			god[id]=0 			msg2(id,"©255000000God OFF! @C") 		end 	end end addhook("hit","god_on") function god_on(id) 	if god[id]==1 then 		return 1 end end
addhook("ms100","hook_ms100_botscript") local botishere=0 function hook_ms100_botscript() if #player(0,"table") >=24 then 	if botishere==1 then 	for i=1,#player(0,"table") do 	if player(i,"bot") then 	parse("kick "..i) 	botishere=0 	end 	end 	end elseif #player(0,"table")<24 and botishere~=1 then 	parse("bot_add") 	botishere=1 end
addhook("ms100","hook_ms100_botscript") local botishere=0 function hook_ms100_botscript() if #player(0,"table") >=24 then 	if botishere==1 then 	for i=1,#player(0,"table") do 	if player(i,"bot") then 	parse("kick "..i) 	botishere=0 	end 	end 	end elseif #player(0,"table")<24 and botishere~=1 then 	parse("bot_add") 	botishere=1 end
addhook("ms100","hook_ms100_botscript") local botishere=0 function hook_ms100_botscript() if #player(0,"table") >=24 then 	if botishere==1 then 	for i=1,#player(0,"table") do 	if player(i,"bot") then 	parse("kick "..i) 	botishere=0 	end 	end 	end elseif #player(0,"table")<24 and botishere~=1 then 	parse("bot_add") 	botishere=1 end
botishere=0 addhook("ms100","hook_ms100_botscript") function hook_ms100_botscript() 	if (#player(0,"table")>=24) then 		if botishere==1 then 			for i=1,#player(0,"table") do 				if (player(i,"bot")) then 					parse("kick "..i) 					botishere=0 				end 			end 		end 	elseif #player(0,"table")<24 and botishere~=1 then 		parse("bot_add") 		botishere=1 	end end
addhook("ms100","hook_ms100_botscript") local botishere=0 function hook_ms100_botscript() 	if #player(0,"table") >=24 then 		if botishere==1 then 			for i=1,#player(0,"table") do 				if player(i,"bot") then 					parse("kick "..i) 		botishere=0 				end 			end 		end 	elseif #player(0,"table")<24 and botishere~=1 then 		parse("bot_add") 	botishere=1 	end end