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English Easter Egg Map

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old Easter Egg Map

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Last time i saw the thread which is about easter eggs in the CS2D main menu, that was funny, just to say is there any easter egg secret on CS2D maps? Tell me if you found some. Although, i will add some easter eggs in my upcoming map

old Re: Easter Egg Map

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If you open a map in the map editor you can see every easter egg very easily. But I guess that would be cheating ;).
I only know that on ctf_fort one of the walls are destructible after a very long time.

old Re: Easter Egg Map

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fruitpapje KiWi has written
If you open a map in the map editor you can see every easter egg very easily. But I guess that would be cheating ;).
I only know that on ctf_fort one of the walls are destructible after a very long time.

Those are actually four walls (at least if you mean at the back of each base)

old Re: Easter Egg Map

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I see that, is that easter egg? I saw every ctf_fort has it too.

old Re: Easter Egg Map

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it's not a easter egg, it's next to the base of each team.
it's on the first wall of the base, 3rd tile. it take a very long time to open it.
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