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21 comments770 kb, 443 Downloads

old de_brew

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> Ooooh hello there,stranger!
> Welcome to another one of my maps. nothing else to say than this map took 4 days to make,2 thinking of the design and 2 actually creating it. enjoy!

> The tileset is combined from a lot of @user Jite: 's stuff,a lot of the original game files stuff,some from @user zazz: and some from @user Lubo: i believe,the creator of California jail.

> Please don't repost this on another site and claim it as yours
> But please do edit it and use it for your own likes.

> updates: if there will be any.
edited 1×, last 14.11.17 07:26:09 pm
Approved by Sparty

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@user PersonNamedVictor: Keep it up if you have fun at it. However user Masea is right there. It's a diffrent map, so also use diffrent tiles, that's an effort you have in map creating. Anyway looks good.
I like it!


User Off Offline

The tank on the B site is too big unbalanced with the scale of cars and the other tanks~

Btw Nice Map , I like it
I like it!


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Will do,Danke.

My next map will be like Bank from Rainbow Six: Siege if you wanted to know ;c


User Off Offline

Nothing to complain, the map seems playable, I don't really like the tank, but it is not a big deal since that's not playable area.
You took the feedback we made to you and improved a lot in just 3 uploads. Forward to see more!
This map seems awesome for Public, can work for 3v3 maybe, B seems easy to rush. A seems hard to protect. But this have to be tested.

The guys are right, try editing another tileset, some city stuff could be great.

I like it!


User Off Offline

it's a pretty map, but the layout seems strange! T's would beat CT's to B site, and the meeting point at mid between CT and T has very little cover and attention. These problems are similar to the other recent map you uploaded. I'd suggest working more on layouts and actual gameplay of the maps and focusing less on aesthetics now!:)
I like it!


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well i am still pretty new to what i am doing,so just saying i will use random stuff but i like the desert the most.

if you want to give me ideas just say them,i'll use them in the situations i need to. ^.^


Reviewer Off Offline

Look, I like the design. Or the tileset
I like it!


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@user PersonNamedVictor: So we all should post when we actually like it. That's really dumb. If there's an option that "I like it!" and is not enabled by default then it means I can post a comment even if I don't like. This is a right that the website has provided to me and other people.

So I'm asking you: How are you going to improve yourself if there wasn't someone who tells you your lack and that you should fix it?

I never said the opposite about you're doing what you like. What you do is good, and why shouldn't it be better?


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tt alltimes rush b


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d̶e̶_̶b̶r̶e̶w̶ -> das_brew


User Off Offline

Looks fun. Tank on B is too huge. I like the light and shadows and the effort put on the details.

Hope to see more from you, with different tiles and scenarios, maybe a winter-forest map? An abandoned city? idk, just putting it out there.
I like it!


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@user Masea: i don't really care at this point,if you don't like it don't bother commenting,its just a waste of time,i do what i like.


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@user BlackBelt: I have already "qualified" for the last map he did. But nothing is different here as well so I can't.

Who knows maybe he was going to make a new map with the same tileset if I hadn't told him that he shouldn't use the same tilesets over and over again.
edited 1×, last 16.11.17 05:24:11 pm


User Off Offline

Give me a theme for a map and ill try to make it work.


User Off Offline

now yes there is nothing to complain, in my opinion, was a map as playable as the acclaimed de_desert, very well balanced and clearly with fun and challenging gameplay.

@user Masea: dude, try to qualify the map because of its general attributes, do not just take a negative fact and generalize this as bad in all, I even agree with it, but it may not have experience yet in making its own tilesets, which can improve over time
I like it!


User Off Offline

wont do em forever,im just still testing stuff with maps. ill switch and switch.


Super User Off Offline

Of course, you may make maps that use the same tilesets forever. Yet, it would be less special - you know.

I'm not even talking about why someone has compressed that tank into the room below the B site.


User Off Offline

don't worry,in the next map there will be some beer too!


Admin Off Offline

I read brew. I expected beer.
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