Well it seems really awkward for the players who trust in god aswell as for players who have haemophobia to do murder in cs2d.
So now. Here's it. Here is the solution for you

Now you can stay away from doing murder(which is a sin) rather lock/chain your enemies..
The funny part is that getting locked is far worse than getting murdered. All you can do is watch the game play live and relax.
One hand cuff per player per life. Use it wisely.
(Actually I ran out of Hand cuffs, Maybe you should donate some if u got.)

Handcuff is considered as a weapon which is actually attached with the wrench. Wrench on the other hand which is a useless thingy (other than in construction mode) is considered as the key.
Game Play

You can lock your enemy by hitting them with the wrench. While locking them u should stand still else the locking will be interrupted.While you are locking the enemy he wont be able to move or attack you.
Once locked He wont be able to do a single thing rather than move around like a bug. You or your team can unlock him (if you guys are kind enough to do that) either by using your key (wrench) or break it by using any melee weapons. His teammate's melee isnt sharp enough unless you set "friendlybreak to true" in sys/lua/autorun/Chaining.lua
edited 13×, last 26.07.17 12:01:51 am
Approved by Yates
72 kb, 581 Downloads